Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Story Only Goodness by Jhumpa Lahiri

People usually have strong opinions and differences when it comes to problems that face intercultural marriages. Most of the people I know my brother, dad and some of my friend married from different culture and each one has a story to tell. However, some of the problems that face intercultural marriage are culture difference, religion, and last but not the least identity conflicts. Some people think culture difference is not an issue and they can adapt to a new culture very easily, but that is not true. It is number one problem that faces every intercultural marriage. There are a lot of things that we do that are normal to us, which are not normal to others. For example, in my community a man is known as the breadwinner while a woman is caretaker of the children and has nothing else to do, so she cannot ask her husband to change diaper, or help her clean the house. In America something like this is normal. Another example of culture difference that leads to a lot of problems is a woman having a male friend. In most of the communities a woman should not have a male friend besides her husband, but in America it’s normal for her to have friends regardless of their gender. All of this culture difference leads to problems in intercultural marriage and makes understanding each other difficult. Religion is one of the main problems that faces intercultural marriage. Despite the upswing in the religious fundamentalism in all part of the world, very few couples can speak of their religious conflicts freely in their marriage. However, people normally think they can address their religious differences thoughtfully before marriage, realizing that what people believe affects not only how they worship, but also how they live their daily life. A good example is a marriage between a Muslim and Christian. A Muslim person has a lot of restrictions he is not allowed to drink alcohol or eat pork meat, which is normal in most part of the world, but not to a Muslim person and will lead to a lot of problems because some people can’t live with out alcohol. Another problem is, a child borne into this kind of marriage get confused which way to follow because the father and mother have different religion and they each want their child to follow their footsteps and they get caught in the middle. Finally, another problem that faces intercultural marriage is identity conflict. Children borne out of two races for example black and white or different nationalities have difficulties in stating their races because mostly they face rejection from both sides, some time they call themself half white or half black or fifty fifty. A good example is our president Barack Obama. Some people think he is black while others think he is white because of his mother, and most blacks don’t like him for that. I have a half brother who is still trying to figure out whether he Arab or African because his mother is an Arab and lives in Dubai and our father is African. Last year when he came to the USA we met each other he couldn’t speak any other language except Arabic and we couldn’t communicate each other well because of that, but he did not think of me as a brother, but a stranger he just met. His mother got divorced from my father long time ago when he was a child and took him along with her. All these are problems that face intercultural marriage. In conclusion intercultural marriage has many problem such as culture difference, religion, and identity conflict. But all of these are how nature is and nobody can change it. It doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t marry; they still do get married from different community and live together happily ever after. Even I want to get married to a white girl and let’s hope things will never change for us and remain the way it is now and tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Related Literature to the Cash Flow Management Essay

The role of cash flow information in discriminating between bankrupt and non-bankrupt companies remains a contentious issue. In a number of literature reviews on bankruptcy prediction (e. g. Zavgren, 1983; Jones, 1987; Neill et al. 1991; Watson, 1996) the common view is that cash flow information does not contain significant incremental information content over accrual information in discriminating between bankrupt and non-bankrupt firms. (Divesh S.  Sharma, Senior Lecturer, School of Accounting, Banking & Finance, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia) A cash flow statement is an important indicator of financial health because it is possible for a company to show profits while not having enough cash to sustain operations. It is a financial report that shows to the user the source of a company’s cash and how it was spent over a specific period of time. A cash flow statement counters the ambiguity regarding a company’s solvency that various accrual accounting measures create. It also categorizes the sources and uses of cash to provide the reader with an understanding of the amount of cash a company generates and uses in its operations, as opposed to the amount of cash provided by sources outside the company, such as borrowed funds or funds from stockholders. The cash flow statement also tells the reader how much money was spent for items that do not appear on the income statement, such as loan repayments, long-term asset purchases, and payment of cash dividends (Ryan 2007). Read more: http://www. ukessays. om/dissertation/literature-review/literature-review-on-cash-flow-statements. php#ixzz2WGgTfcVF Review of Cash Flow Failure Prediction Studies The relevance of cash flow information for predicting bankruptcy was highlighted by Beaver (1966). Beaver (1966) reported that cash flow from operations (CFFO), proxied by net income plus depreciation, depletion and amortisation, to total debt had the lowest misclassification error relative to common accrual measures of financial health. However, his univariate approach to analysing financial distress was seldom followed because while ne ratio would indicate failure another could indicate non-failure. Altman (1968) overcame this problem through the use of multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) that simultaneously considers financial ratio indicators of corporate health. Altman (1968) did not examine the value of cash flow information though. Deakin (1972) demonstrated employing MDA that cash flow to total debt was a significant predictor up to three years prior to failure. Like Beaver (1966), Deakin (1972) defined cash flow as net income plus depreciation, depletion and amortisation. While other researchers (e. . Blum, 1974; Norton and Smith, 1979; Mensah, 1983) have shown that cash flow information contains information content in predicting corporate bankruptcy, they are not frequently cited. The rare citation is probably due to the measure of cash flow employed by these researchers. These researchers used Beaver’s (1966) definition of CFFO. Table 1 summarises the research findings of the cash flow failure prediction literature to date. Largay and Stickney (1980) recognised the limitation of using net income plus depreciation, depletion and amortisation (NIDEP) as a measure of CFFO. They demonstrated based on the infamous W. T. Grant Company bankruptcy that NIDEP more correctly reflected working capital from operations. To determine CFFO one had to adjust for changes in current assets and current liabilities other than cash. Largay and Stickney’s (1980) more refined measure of CFFO indicated that W. T. Grant’s cash from operations was negative in eight of the ten years prior to failure while NIDEP was relatively steady until the year immediately prior to its demise. This finding renewed interest in CFFO as an indicator of corporate failure. Lee (1982), a strong advocate of cash flow reporting, showed that the fall of Laker Airways was foreseeable on a cash flow basis. His analysis of CFFO revealed that Laker Airways was in financial trouble three years prior to failure while profits were increasing as failure approached. A stream of multivariate modelling studies began investigating the information content of this refined measure of CFFO. Using an estimation sample and a validation sample comprising 60 bankrupt and 230 non-bankrupt firms and three measures of cash flow information, viz. CFFO, CFFO/Current Liabilities and CFFO/Total Liabilities, Casey and Bartczak (1984; 1985) concluded that none of the three operating cash flow variables significantly improved the classification accuracy of the six accrual ratios model. Casey and Bartczak (1985) reached this conclusion on the basis of the number of firms correctly classified into their respective groups. While their conclusion is valid, there are grounds to argue that cash flow information has significant information content over accrual information in assessing the predicted probability of failure. Predicting the probability of failure extends the mere classification into either the failed or nonfailed group and is practically more useful. For instance, the classification of a company into a non-failed group does not provide information on the likelihood of this group membership. Consistency Principle Consistency Principle is one of the four major principles that are used for estimating the project cash flows. According to this principle, consistency in the cash flows is very necessary. At the same time, consistency in the applicable discount rates on the cash flows should also be maintained. There are two important factors that are related to the Consistency Principle. These two are the investor group and the inflation. Investor Group: The Consistency Principle holds that while estimating the project cash flow, it is also important to consider the investor’s opinion or view. There are different types of investors in a firm like the lenders or the stockholders and so on. Again, if it is not possible to consider every kind of investors’ view, then the stockholder’s view regarding the cash flow may be considered. According to the investor’s standpoint, the project cash flow denotes that amount of cash that is provided to the investors. The payable taxes must be deducted from this amount and if there is any need for investment in the ongoing project then that amount should also be deducted from the amount allotted for the investors. At the same time, if the stockholders standpoint is regarded then the project cash flow is that amount that is offered to the stockholders. This amount should not include any kind of payable tax or any such amount that is necessary to invest in the particular project. Again, before offering any money to the stockholders, the firm is required to clear all the debts. Now, the next important factor is the consistency of the discount rate that is to be applied on the project cash flow. There are two types of discount rate known as the weighted average cost of capital and cost of equity. Inflation: In case of inflation, there are two ways of estimating the project cash flow of a particular project. The first option is to merge a likely inflation in the project cash flow estimates. After this, a nominal discount rate is applied on the amount. Another way of handling the inflation factor is to calculate the project cash flows of the future in real terms with real discount rates. Cash flow estimation is a must for assessing the investment decisions of any kind. To evaluate these investment decisions there are some principles of cash flow estimation. In any kind of project, planning the outputs properly is an important task. At the same time, the profits from the project should also be very clear to arrange finances in a proper way. These forecastings are some of the most difficult steps involved in the capital budgeting. These are very important in the major projects because any kind of fault in the calculations would result in huge problems. The project cash flows consider almost every kind of inflows of cash. The capital budgeting is done through the co-ordination of a wide range of professionals who are going to be involved in the project. The engineering departments are responsible for the forecasting of the capital outlays. On the other hand, there are the people from the production team who are responsible for calculating the operational cost. The marketing team is also involved in the process and they are responsible for forecasting the revenue. Next comes the financial manager who is responsible to collect all the data from the related departments. On the other hand, the finance manager has the responsibility of using the set of norms for better estimation. One of these norms uses the principles of cash flow estimation for the process. There are a number of principles of cash flow estimation. These are the consistency principle, separation principle, post-tax principle and incremental principle. The separation principle holds that the project cash flows can be divided in two types named as financing side and investment side. On the other hand, there is the consistency principle. According to this principle, some kind consistency is necessary to be maintained between the flow of cash in a project and the rates of discount that are applicable on the cash flows. At the same time, there is the post-tax principle that holds that the forecast of cash flows for any project should be done through the after-tax method. What is Time Value of Money? Time value of money is the basis of discounted cash flow analysis in finance. It is one of the core principles of small business financing operations. It as to do with interest rates, compound interest, and the concepts of time and risk with regard to money and cash flows. The underlying principle of time value of money is that the value of $1 that you have in your hand today is greater than a dollar you will receive in the future. Time value of money includes the concepts of future value (compounding) and present value (discounting). For example, if you have money in y our hand today, you can save it and earn interest on it or you can spend it now. If you don’t get it until some point in the future, you lose the interest you could earn and you can’t spend it now.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis on Luxury Car Market in India

I also would like to thank her for letting me start my internship late so that I could get into an internship that I would like. . I want to thank Audi for taking me in as an intern, training me, and giving me a chance to hone my skills in marketing. My experience in this company taught me valuable lessons which will be with me even when I start my career and step into the corporate world. I also want to thank Ms. Ayesha Khan , the Assistant Marketing Manager(Direct Marketing) of the company for not only being my external guide but also a mentor. She was there to support me in all the work I took up in his company and encouraged me to implement my ideas. Table of Contents Executive summary Company profile History 1 Organizational structure 21 Audi in India 24 Reviews of Audi’s car lineup 35 Comparing Audi, BMW and Mercedes 69 Industry analysis Automobile industry in India 77 Luxury Car Market in India 80 Recent trends and developments in luxury car segment 86 Analysis and interpretation Questionnaire And Data Collection 88 Which is preferred more Audi, Mercedes or BMW 93 Why an Indian customer would like to spend on a luxury car? 4 Findings and discussions Bottlenecks in the industry 103 Suggestions and Recommendations The 8 speed Tiptronic transmission is very good, and is much smoother in casual driving than the S-tronic, and it shifts just as fast (we’ve driven both). Audi tells us that the TDI will be following in year 2 for the A7, though we’ve driven it in Europe with the 3. 0TDI, and it’s quite simply amazing. Torque junkies, you want the 3. 0TDI. Connecting the front and rear axles is an all new Crown Gear center differential. This unit is more compact (lighter) and more efficient than the previous Torsen center differentials, and allows for more rearward bias than before. Its still 100% mechanical, but uses a different arrangement of crown and pinion gears, with the addition of mechanically activated clutchpacks to do its thing. Weve driven the A7 on ice and snow, and can verify that the crown gear center diff works exceedingly well. Off the line, the A7 launches firmly, certainly fast enough to excite your passengers and others around you. In Tiptronic mode, drivers will want to make quick work with the shifter lever to keep up with the relatively short ratios and quick revving engine. Audi says the A7 3. TFSI will run to 60 in 5. 4 seconds. We didn’t put a watch to it, but that seems about right, if maybe a little pessimistic. This car is really quick off the line, and the throttle to smile relationship is very close. Merging onto the highway, passing on 2 lane roads, and just general hooning are easy, and hugely fun. On the highway, the A7 has more than ample power for cruising at legal and beyond speeds. Because of the smooth and quiet natu re of the car, it’s all too easy to find yourself clicking along at speeds that the nice man in the

Are GMOs helpful or harmful Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Are GMOs helpful or harmful - Essay Example This has resulted in many scientists coming up with the ways of increasing productivity of the already existing land. In fact, some ways of growing GMO include irrigation of arid areas and use of fertilizers. On top of that, there have been efforts to reclaim land from the seas and oceans. For example, dykes constructed in Netherlands for creation of more land necessary for horticulture farming. Despite the above suggestions, there has been starvation in some countries when they are strike by drought like in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Therefore, scientists have come up with the idea of growing crops that are genetically modified. The idea has been met with a lot of criticism despite being seen as the only viable solution to hunger elimination. GMOs can be either harmful or helpful according to various arguments and perspectives. They are helpful because of the following; there has been lack of enough traditional seed to be planted. This suggests that it will result to food shortage if the genetic foods are banned. The food shortage consequently results to increase of the cost of food which is already high. The high prices on the food are because of increase in demand and unfavorable weather changes. However, with genetic food, more food will be produced and the cost of food will instead go down. For instance, in US, the Agricultural Department has rein-stored the modified weed killer resistant sugar-beet because more than half of sugar produced in US has been genetically modified. There are also modified cotton and soya beans (Kilman and Tomson 10). Another benefit of genetic foods is that the crops are resistant to pests and viruses due to use of technology. Hence, food prices go down due to the continuous practice of large scale farming will be easy. For example in Europe, they have adopted genetic modification to reduce the high demand for wheat and avoid future shortages which can result to starvation (Pendrous 24). There has been

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Medical Genetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Medical Genetic - Essay Example Offspring with diabetic father and those with diabetic mother show negligible difference in symptoms save for the high LDL-cholesterol identified in those with diabetic mothers. On the other hand, children with diabetic mothers have low hypertension prevalence than those with diabetic fathers. If II: 2 is heterozygous, her genotype will be Mm. III: 1 will be heterozygous in that situation. Looking at how diabetes fulfils the criteria in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY; 613370), Edghill et al. (2008) indicates heterozygosity transmission in a third generation family with three members affected. 7. Yes. Studying the historical nature of the Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the young, it is indicated that patients may not show symptoms of the disease and that diagnosis may be made only when they reach old age. This is because the onset of diabetes, whether, genetic like in this case can be inhibited by the youthful active nature. Youths are very physically active and this can possibly regulate the onset of diabetes. 8. This is a transverse reaction. The amino acids changed because there was a deletion of the TTC trinucleotide in there codons. This is a non-conservative substitution reaction whereby Gly 148 (GGG), which is considered normal, becomes Arg148 (AGG). 9. DNA replication may be affected by strand slippage or crossover events which are unequal. Repetitive sequences at the misalignments cause deletions and nucleotide addition to the molecules of DNA. During substitution, there will be 1 DNA molecule holding a deletion and one having an insertion. The events above occurs when the mismatch repair mechanism fails, failure of direct repair, and nucleotide-excision repair. 5. This is a Mendelian inheritance.For a trait to be Mendelian, the child that receives the allele that is dominant from either of the parent has to have the trait that is dominant in form. The possession of the phenotype that is recessive occurs only when

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic and Financial Analysis of P&G Research Paper

Strategic and Financial Analysis of P&G - Research Paper Example P&G offers more than 250 brands to its customers. The net sales of the company were recorded to be more than $1 billion in 2011. The product portfolio of P&G can be segregated into divisions based on the usage of the products. It offers washing or laundry products, hair care and grooming products, health care products, and personal care products. In the hair care product category, P&G holds the maximum market share of 34.6 percent, as can be seen in Figure 1. The competitors such as L’Oreal, Unilever, Alberto Culvert, and John Frieda are some of the popular market players in the hair care segment holding lesser market share than P&G. The top hair care brands of P&G are Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Aussie and Silvikrin.   In the washing and laundry category too, P&G is the market leader. As can be seen in Figure 3, P&G rules on 46 percent of, the detergent market. The most famous laundry brands of P&G are Ariel, Tide, Bold, Fairy, Lenor, etc. In the household cleaning category, P&G has 11.6 percent market share. The best brands of P&G in this segment is Flash. Lastly, in the personal care, skin care or grooming segment, P&G has around 1.4 percent market share among the other companies. The Product Life Cycle determines the position of the products or brands of a company in the market. In case of P&G, most of the brands sold under its product portfolio are in their maturity and growth stage, as P&G’s products are generating huge profits for the company in most of the segments and are among the market leaders (P&G, 2012d). In order to validate the position of most of the P&G’s products in the PLC, the revenue and profit figures for the last 5 years have been considered.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corporate Governance - Essay Example In an age when countries compete in a global economy, compliance with corporate governance standards has become crucial to businesses’ survival. Especially in the Middle East, which is culturally and politically distance from the rest of the world, compliance with the internationally accepted principles of corporate governance has become a challenge. This thesis aims to examine how a specific aspect of corporate governance—disclosure and transparency is viewed and applied in the Saudi Arabian context. The results of this study are important primarily for Saudi Arabian businesses positioned to play a significant role in the global economy. These companies could benefit greatly from the financial strength provided by international investments, the technical and strategic advantages offered by partnerships and joint ventures with foreign companies and the market leadership obtained by gaining the trust and confidence of consumers in the global market. Achieving these benefits becomes feasible only if Saudi firms can comply with the minimum disclosure and transparency requirements. The thesis employs critical and comparative analysis. It explores the academic literature on corporate disclosure and discusses the theories and principles espoused in the context of the Saudi Arabian legal and regulatory framework. Also discussed is the vital role of the Islamic principles in Sharia law, which forms the basis of the Saudi legal system. This study proposes corporate disclosure practices as the basis for comprehensive reform of Saudi Arabia’s Capital Market Authority. The study offers recommendations for increasing transparency, disclosure and the associated principles in the Saudi Arabia stock market and better protecting minority shareholders. These recommendations follow the United Kingdom’s corporate governance approach but reflect the interests, culture, treaties, Sharia principles and legislative reforms of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Is school incentive programs works for students Essay

Is school incentive programs works for students - Essay Example Currently, many schools have initiated incentive programs that provide prizes to students in the form of money when they score well on their exams. These prizes have shown improvement in overall test scores and children’s performance (Medina). The notion of incentive programs in schools is quite controversial and brings up the significance of temporary academic accomplishements in comparison to long-lasting behavorial changes in children. Many schools in United States are increasingly adapting the idea of incentive programs. They have observed that paying for performance is an effective method of improving the students’ attitude and behavior in school. In New York alone, more than 200 schools are experimenting with provision of one or more incentives for both students as well as teachers (Medina). Children who score good, are provided with money as prizes. Children are not the only ones profitting from these incentive programs. Teachers are also provided with bonus mone y who achieve improving their students’overall scores. Up till now the New York city has spent more than $500,000 on 5,237 students in 58 different schools. Money is not the only form of rewards; meal gift vouchers, gift certificates, food parties at school are some other forms of incentives for the students (Medina). The overall reaction to this new concept is mixed. Many consider it as worth trying and experimenting upon to observe the positive outcomes. Teachers also find it as a good opportunity and are motivated due to the rewards received by them as well. However, the critics consider it as an inappropriate stimulus for the students. Knowledge should be acquired for one’s own sake of learning and self-development rather than a source of money-making and business. Behavorial sciences show that although rewards are somewhat better than punishments but they produce a similar outcome of temporary compliance. Children only show improvement in their behavior until they are receiving the reward. They stop when the incentive is no longer provided. Extrinsic motivators are not helpful in altering the emotional and cognitive commitments of behavior, and even if achieved are not desirable or aimed (Kohn 1,2). The rewards only pursue the acheivment of goals and fail in many cases to induce good values and the sense of â€Å"what type of person I want to be†. Many studies have shown that people who are expecting a reward do not perform well than those who are not expecting anything. Rewards do not produce an intrinsic motivation of performing a task and interest of doing it for one’s own sake. Rewards are just a method of controlling a person which ultimatley also alters the relationship between children and adults (Kohn 2,3). Rewards are a way of bribing the children. Children do not acquire any personal interest or internal motivation for the task rather, they are only doing it for the incentive, which affects the quality of their work, their sense of creativity and their sense exploring new ideas. Rewards and incentives are just a method of achieving what a teacher or parents want from the child. Rewards are an obstacle in the way of creating a nurturing, creative and experimental environment for the children, where they learn for their own sake and interest. Providing incentives and rewards cannot produce good values in a child

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Present how strategic planning, performance improvement, and Essay

Present how strategic planning, performance improvement, and information systems are interrelated and fundamental to the delivery of quality health care - Essay Example This is because health care organizations are dynamic and thus they experience changes that are rapid, complex, and discontinuous from time to time (Swayne, Duncan, & Ginter, 2006). This makes the people involved in its management to require high degree of leadership skills. The investigations would have the capacity to improve this and thus improve management of these organizations. The issue to be investigated in this research is management of health care organizations. This encompasses issues like strategic planning, operational planning, and tactical planning. Health care organizations face a form of competition that could only be addresses using a systematic fashion (Moseley, 2009). The systematic fashion could be achieved through coordination of strategic planning, operational planning, and tactical planning. Issues that would be investigated by research proposed by this paper will aim at improving these three aspects of management and their coordination. Impact of not investigating this issue would be very great since it would make it difficult to improve management of healthcare organizations. Moreover, it would make improvement of these aspects of management too hard. As a result, health care organizations administrator would be able to use their leadership position and capability to interrelate strategic planning, performance improvement, and information system to provision of quality health care. Therefore, the profitability and survival of health care organizations in their respective markets would be greatly reduced. The research topic, which to be investigated in the proposed research, is improvement of health care organization management. Various specific researches have been undertaken on this research topic. Some of them have been trying to identify the factors that might be hindering proper management of these organizations. Others have been trying to investigate the impact of poor

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stating And Justifying A Position Statement Research Paper

Stating And Justifying A Position Statement - Research Paper Example The research paper "Stating And Justifying A Position Statement" analyzes several statements by presenting the reasons for holding the position regarding them. "It’s human nature to be greedy". Everyone has an aspect of greed in their personality which can be either for money, things, fame or people but it has to be kept under control so that it does not dominate one’s character. As the competition among people intensifies regarding wealth and materialistic things, greed will become an important part of human nature. "Capital punishment is a deterrent to crime." The author disagrees with the statement because although many countries claim that capital punishment deters the number of crimes but the statistics show that the criminals are encouraged to carry out their activities. It has been found that the capital punishment is not given on the basis of actual crime committed and it is considered to be unfair and unjust by the citizens. "Everyone has a value system of some kind" The author agrees with the statement because each human being is nurtured within a set of beliefs and values which shape the individual’s personality and more importantly the perception of the world. During the interaction with others in the surroundings, people carry their values with them and this becomes one of their vital aspects of life. "We know ourselves better than others know us" There are many unobservable traits of the personality which are evident to ourselves and that is why we know ourselves better than others do.

Community Service Is a Personal Commitment Essay Example for Free

Community Service Is a Personal Commitment Essay Community Service is a personal commitment, not a corporate responsibility. Community Service, in another word, means doing something that is meaningful for the welfare of the people who are in needs. To involve or not to involve in a social work depends on our own decision, not a corporate’s decree. Social Services is defined as the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities in enhancing and restoring their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to the goal (The National Association of Social Workers Board of Directors, 2011). Personal commitment is an act or quality of voluntarily taking on or fulfilling obligations (Wikipedia, 2012). What makes the personal commitment ‘personal’ is the voluntary aspect. Anyone can become a part of the community services regardless of their race, language or citizenship status. People participate in community and social work because of their desire in serving the society who are in need and their interest in involving themselves in community project. It is our own choice of whether or not to get involved in community service. Once we have decided, a personal commitment in servicing the community is made. Getting the intention right signifies how deep one’s commitment is towards servicing the society. Ask ourselves these questions: Why am I doing the community work? What is the motive of participating in social work? Do I really have the desire to help them, or am I ‘performing’ just to gain compliments from my supervisors? Being in a community work and a real community work is different. A real community work occurs when a group of true and honest people come together and work with the common goal of assisting people who are in need by providing them resources they need. Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in (Moore, 2004). Every single person has their own lawful human rights to ‘vote’ in this society. Whether or not one wants to spend their time and money to the community is a matter of choice. We can expect every single one of us to participate in social work, but we cannot force someone to perform social work because that violates human rights. Since the year of 1986, the Atlanta’s 100 Black Men Inc. ith their community service program, ‘Project Success’, has become one of the city’s most effective community organization. They are successful because of the love and care they have towards the children who are in need. One of the members in the company, Ed Frances said, ‘Personal commitment often produces some touching moments. ’ (Atlantas 100 Black Men Inc. , 1990) Each and every member in the community organization has had the desire and strong will of shining for the others. Without the commitment from each member, the organization would not be successful. We may not be shining as brightly as we need to shine, but we are definitely shining, and we are doing something,’ said the President of the organization, Dr. Joseph I. Hoffman Jr. The persistence they show, together with the commitment they have has made a difference to the world. Community Service is an individual personal commitment because it is often performed outside of our working hours. It is the time where you can be yourself, the time where you enjoy the moment of assisting people who needs love. It is the time where we enjoy being in our ‘sacred place’ a place where we recognize ourselves and our commitments. Turkle, 2011) There is a person whom I respect commits her time in doing voluntary work after her retirement as a teacher. She was my primary school Chinese Language teacher. I remember when I first asked her, why do you travel around the world as a voluntary worker after your retirement? Why don’t you just stay at home and be a lady of leisure? ’ She smiled to me and said, ‘There are many people in this world who are less fortunate than we are. I have been blessed for 60 years, it is more than enough. It’s my time now to be a blessing to the others. It gives me a break in everything that I do while helping others. Being a voluntary worker is the most awesome moment I have ever had in my life. I have no regrets now. ’ Community service is a personal commitment because it only works well when we have desire and interest in it. Community service should not be a corporate responsibility, but a personal commitment because of the passion in each of us. Every one of us has different passion in things, don’t we? Only people who have the passion and joy in serving the community can make a personal commitment to the community. Personal commitment tends to produce a more effective and fruitful result compared to an organizational commitment. (Curtis Eby, 2010) Not everybody has the similar pursuit and hobby. Some people love swimming, diving, and some even have assisting people as their hobby. We only decide in doing something when we feel that we can do it, and we want to do it. Once decision is made, we will put in our extra attention and effort into it. The result will be promising because not only we put in our strength, but we place our heart in serving the community too. Conversely, if we are forced to perform something that we are not fond of, the result will never be impressive. For instance, XYZ Company organize a Chinese Festival and make it compulsory for all regular officers to work as voluntary workers outside their working hours. Some will love it, some will grumble, some will nag and some will protest. Complaints from the workers will not produce a satisfying result. This is because company forces them to do so, but in their heart, they are not committed in performing community service. They ‘appear’ to be committed, but actually they are not. In conclusion, who is a real volunteer? A real volunteer is a person who gives their personal commitment into serving others, who remembers to do things to make other people happy, who takes the loneliness out of the alone by talking to them, who is concerned when others are unconcerned, who has the courage to be a prophet and to say the things that have to be said for the good of all. (Moore, 2004) Being able to participate in serving the community is a great privilege we have. Mother Teresa once said: â€Å"Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. (Teresa, 1990) Money is not everything in the social service network. Patience, love and strength are the important criteria we need to have in serving the community as well. Volunteering in a service to the community is a personal choice and responsibility. Only those who have the desire to love, to care and are willing to devote fully into helping others unconditionally are able to make a commitment to the community. A real, hidden and personal commitment we make to ourselves and to the society. Therefore, I strongly believe that servicing in the community is a personal commitment and not a corporate responsibility.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Education - Teacher Essay Example for Free

Education Teacher Essay Discussion of aim of education is a function of the philosophy of education or educational theory. The aim of education in the fullest and deepest sense of the word is in keeping with the nature of the human personality or human nature. Human nature is defined in terms of the cultivation and development of perceptive intelligence based on experience i. e. creative intelligence. Creative intelligence or intuition combines reason of understanding with wisdom of compassion depends on human awakening or enlightenment. aim of education is to cultivate creative intelligence required for adaptation to changes in the social environment i. e. adaptability. Life is very complex and complicated. But an aim in life can make the complex life simple and purposeful. Aims give us direction to work and without aim, destination, or objective life becomes incomplete and haphazard. Individual has different interests, attitudes and needs. Every individual wants to achieve certain goals in life. But a clear-cut aim makes the road of life easy. Educational aims are varied. They have their different role in different fields. Some specific aims are listed below: (i) Knowledge Aim: The aim of education is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. It helps to adjust properly in one’s own environment. Knowledge helps the man to overcome the nature and satisfy human wants. It links the teacher and taught with social situation. It helps with certain skills to live in a society as human being and civilized one. Philosophers and educationists of the world believe in knowledge. It is the valuable asset of life, which helps the individual to overcome misery and problems of life. (ii) Vocational Aim: Knowledge aim of education is narrow by nature. The theoretical knowledge will never meet our basic needs of life. We need bread and butter to fill up our belly. We can get it if education is vocationalised. Gandhiji realized it in 1937 when he introduced Basic Education. Vocational aim develops the social efficiency of the individual. It reduces mental tension after completion of education. Those who are lower, intelligence in vocational education or training are a blessing for them. Realizing this aspect. Indian Education Commission (1964-66) introduces work-experience in the curriculum. (iii) Character Building Aim: The Indian concept of education believes in self-realization. Self-realization is possible through moral education. So the individual should cultivate moral virtues or values which constitute character. Swami Vivekananda said, â€Å"We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. † (iv) Complete-Living Aim: The individual has various aspects to be developed. Every aspect of the personality is reflected in various activities to be performed. Education should help the individual to fulfill the various needs and necessities of life like self-preservation, fulfilling necessities of life, rearing and bearing of children, performing civic responsibilities and utilizing his leisure time properly. Firstly, the individual must know the art of self-preservation. Secondly, education should enable to him to earn his living. Thirdly, he should know how to take care of his own children. Lastly, he must have the idea how to utilize the leisure hours properly in a profiting manner. (v) Harmonious: Development of the personality aim- Gandhiji said, â€Å"By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit. † The meaning itself indicates to develop all-round aspects of individual-physical, intellectual, social and spiritual. All these aspects of the individual should be harmoniously developed. True education is development of 3H’s instead of 3R’s. The development of Head, Heart and hand of an individual makes him happy. (vi) Democratic Aim of Education: One of the important aims and objective of education suggested by Secondary Education Commission (1952-54) is to develop the democratic citizenship. India is a democratic country. Even citizen must have to realize the duties and responsibilities carefully. So the aim of education is to train carefully the future citizens. Training should be provided to develop the following qualities of the individual. (i) Capacity for clear thinking (ii) Receptivity of new idea (iii) Clarity in speech and writing (iv) True patriotism Further the democratic aim of education develop vocational efficiency, personality and leadership quality. Indian Education Commission (1964-66) under the chairmanship of Dr. D. S. Kothari suggested the following as the aims of education in a democratic set-up. (i) Increasing productivity (ii) Developing social and national integrity (iii) Making education modernized and (iv) Cultivating of social, moral and spiritual values. Each individual teacher has an opinion about what the aim of education should be, not only in their own classroom but also in school in general. Many issues occur when differing opinions about the purpose of education collide. It is important to recognize that other people, including many of your coworkers, administrators, and your students parents might have a different point of view concerning what education should be all about. Following is a list of different aims of education that individuals might espouse. 1. Knowledge to Get By. This old school belief holds that school is important in providing students with the knowledge they need to get by in their day-to-day lives. They need to know how to read, write, and do arithmetic. Even though these core topics form the foundation of a students education, most educators today would probably not agree that this should be the extent of a students school career. 2. Knowledge of Subject Matter Being Taught The purpose of education to some teachers is to impart knowledge about the subject matter they are teaching without much thought to other classes. When taken to the extreme, these teachers focus on their own subject matter as being more important than what students are learning in other classes. For example, teachers who are unwilling to compromise their own subject matter for the good of the students can cause problems for the school at large. When the school I taught at tried to implement senior projects, we got push back from a couple of teachers who were not willing to change their lessons to include cross curricular activities. 3. Desire to Create Thoughtful Citizens. This might be considered another old school belief. However, this is held by many individuals, especially within the larger community. Students will some day be a part of a community and need the skills and mores to exist within that society as thoughtful citizens. For example, they will need to be able to vote in presidential elections. 4. To Gain Self Esteem and Confidence While the self esteem movement often gets ridiculed, we do want our students to feel confident about their learning abilities. The problem comes in with inflated self esteem not based on reality. However, this is often cited as an aim of the educational system. 5. To Learn How to Learn Learning how to learn is one of the key elements of education. Schools need to teach students how to find information they will need once they leave school. Therefore, the specific subject matter being taught is not as important for future personal success as is the ability for students to understand how to find answers for any questions and problems that might arise. 6. Lifelong Habits for Work. Many of the lessons that schools teach are necessary for success in their students future lives. As adults, they will need to be able to get to work on time, dress and behave appropriately, and get their work done in a timely manner. These lessons are reinforced on a daily basis in schools around the nation. Some individuals see this as one of the main reasons for sending students to school. 7. To Teach Students How to Live Finally, some individuals look at school in a more holistic manner. They see it as the means towards right living for the rest of their lives. Not only do students learn information in their individual subjects, but they also learn life lessons in and out of class. As previously explained, proper work etiquette is reinforced in the classroom. Further, students have to learn how to deal with others in a cooperative manner. Finally, they learn about how to learn information they might need in the future. In fact, one of the things that many business leaders cite as being necessary for future workers is the ability to work as part of a team and problem solve.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Parental Influence on Consumption and Abuse of Alcohol

Parental Influence on Consumption and Abuse of Alcohol Douglas Scott Burton Adolescence is the years from which puberty begins in childhood to when puberty ceases in adulthood. Generally, it is divided into three stages: early adolescence which overall lasts between ages 11 to 14, middle adolescence that generally spans ages 15 to 17, and late adolescence which stretches the ages to 18 to 21 years of age. Puberty creates growth to see things as either right or wrong. Adolescents are rarely able to see beyond the present situation, which can explain why younger teenagers are often unable to consider the long-term consequences of their actions. Parents have a critical role in shaping the future of their children. Does being an American adolescent in an American family where your parents allow casual consumption of alcohol teach the child responsible drinking habits when the child becomes of legal drinking age (21)? On the other hand, does it instill a sense of nonchalant drinking habits? I believe that having parents that causally and responsibly consume alcoh ol, teaches the child/children, how to respect alcohol and how not to abuse it later in life. In the United States of America, we have a largely diverse population and culture. Therefore, when looking at adolescent alcohol use and abuse we need to understand the different people that live in this country. According to a 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 10.1 million underage youth drink alcohol each year in the United States. Early alcohol and drug use increases the possibility for many social, emotional, and behavioral problems including violence, truancy, and depression. (National Institute of Health, n.d.) (Barry, Chaney, Chaney, 2011; Ellickson, Tucker, Klein, 2001; Stueve ODonnell, 2005). In ethnic minority families such as African Americans, adolescent drug and substance problems are a significant public concern. (NIH, n.d.). African Americans comprise only 14% of the population in the United States, yet they are 26% of all juvenile arrests, 44% of detained youth, and 58% of the youth sent to state prison (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Just ice, 2012). Early substance use has strongly been associated with father-only households. Further, children from dual-parent families are said to use significantly less marijuana than those from mother-only families (Hemovich Crano, 2009). According to Janet Chrzan in Alcohol: Social Drinking in Culture Context, the culture of the United States, and particularly that of the South and of the Midwest, carries many traces of Prohibition tendencies to this day. The United States has the highest rate of self-reported total abstinence, out of any other non-Muslim alcohol-drinking country, with roughly one-third of the population avoiding alcohol (in contrast, only about 9% of Swedes and 11% of Norwegian abstain). In the United States, abstention is highest in working-class women and lowest among upper-class white men. In a paper published in the US National Library of Medicine/National Institute of Health there are two policies regarding alcohol consumption by minors. Harm-minimisation policies suggest that alcohol use is a part of normal adolescent development and that parents should supervise their childrens use to encourage responsible drinking. Zero-tolerance policies suggest that all underage alcohol use should be discouraged. In this study, they took a sample of 1,945 seventh-grade students from both Washington State, United States and Victoria, Australia. The study showed that adolescent alcohol use is related to a variety of problem behaviours including harmful alcohol use, drinking and driving, risky sex, and violence (World Health Organization, 2008). However, longitudinal studies demonstrate that good family management practices, including clear rules prohibiting alcohol use, monitoring of childrens behaviour, and consistent consequences for violating rules, are related to decreases in teen alcohol use (Barnes et al. 2000, Brook et al., 1986; Chilcoat and Anthony, 1996; Kosterman et al., 2000; Nash et al., 2005; Sargent and Dalton, 2001). Likewise, parental patterns of alcohol use and involvement of their children in their use have been shown to be risk factors for adolescent alcohol and other drug use (Chassin et al., 2003, Hawkins et al., 1992; Johnson and Leff, 1999; Lei et al., 2002a). Despite this, some parents still provide alcohol to their children, as teens report being at parties at which underage drinking was occurring in the presence of parents (American Medical Association, 2006). In Australia, it was noted that 30%-50% of adolescent drinkers obtain alcohol from their parents. Australian parents are supported by a national harm-minimisation policy. In 2001, the Australian Government promoted Alcohol Guidelines for youth younger than the adult legal age for alcohol purchase (age 18). It offered suggestions for being a responsible drinker in supervised settings and for becoming a responsible adult drinker through supervised introduction to alcohol (Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy, 2001). Harm-minimisation advocates concede that parental rules and attitudes favoring responsible drinking may be associated with a greater likelihood of underage alcohol use but also argue that parental supervised alcohol use may reduce the likelihood of adolescent drinkers progressing to problematic alcohol use during adolescence and early adulthood. In Washington, the relationship between favorable parental attitudes toward alcohol use and ninth-grade alcohol-related harms was mediated by opportunities to drink in an adult-supervised setting in a way that increased risk. For Victorian youth, there was no protective mediating effect of supervised use. Instead, similar to Washington students, they found a significant mediating process that increased the risk for subsequent alcohol use and harm among students in Victoria. In the summary, the study found that harm-minimisation proponents contend that youth drinking in adult-supervised settings is protective against future harmful use. The study found adult-supervised drinking in both states actually resulted in higher levels of harmful alcohol use. According to the research survey completed, my hypothesis does not stand. Having parents that allow American adolescents to consume alcohol will create a sense that it is okay to consume alcohol, even though they are underage. It will possibly lead to an overconsumption and possible abuse of alcohol by adolescent Americans. As those adolescents grow up and move away to go to universities, alcohol will become more available possibly, leading to more abuse. Therefore, if you are a parent or are planning on becoming a parent, you should not allow your adolescent children to consume alcohol. It could lead to destructive behaviour. If you want to teach them responsible drinking actions, you should teach by example. Never become drunk in front of your children. Works Cited Rees, Carter, Adrienne Freng, and L. Thomas Winfree, Jr. The Native American Adolescent: Social Network Structure and Perceptions of Alcohol Induced Social Problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 43.3 (2013): 405-25. Web. 12 Nov. 2016. Small, Eusebius, Rie Suzuki, and Arati Maleku. The Impact of Family and Parental Education on Adolescents Substance Use: A Study of U.S. High School Seniors. Social Work in Public Health 29.6 (2014): 594-605. Web. 12 Nov. 2016. Chrzan, Janet. Its Happy Hour! Modern American Drinking. Alcohol: Social Drinking in Cultural Context. New York: Routledge, 2013. N. pag. Print. White, Helene Raskin, and David L. Rabiner. Historical and Developmental Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Use among College Students. College Drinking and Drug Use. New York: Guilford, 2012. N. pag. Print. McMorris, Barbara J., Richard F. Catalano, Min Jung Kim, John W. Toumbourou, and Sheryl A. Hemphill. Influence of Family Factors and Supervised Alcohol Use on Adolescent Alcohol Use and Harms: Similarities Between Youth in Different Alcohol Policy Contexts. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Rutgers University, May 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cloning: A Nusaince or Necessity :: essays research papers

Cloning: A Nuisance or Necessity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So many miraculous discoveries have been made during the last century. Medical technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate. Now, we are faced with yet another scientific breakthrough. Cloning, in recent years has taken its own shape under the spotlight. However, people are debating whether or not it should be done. I mean, â€Å"Is it morally correct, humane, possible? How will it affect the future of humanity?† There are those who feel that we should step forward and support the idea. Proponents believe that the technology will be used for the good of mankind. Experts say that the technology may be used to help terminally ill patients in a therapeutic way. Others, however, are trying to stop the practice before it has a chance to realize its true potential because they are afraid of future hazards. They think that someone or some country will use the technology to aid them in war. They do not think that it should be accepted because of many of our rel igious beliefs. Opponents of cloning believe the benefits could never outweigh the potentially horrid process.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People who promote the idea of cloning claim that it will probably be used for very good reasons. Today’s list of people needing organ transplants because of disease or deformation at birth could be clearly in only a few years. The technology may advance to a point where children born with missing limbs or deformed parts could actually be removed and replaced with a fully functional, completely healthy limb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If cloning were ever to reach its full potential, the benefits would be virtually limitless. There would be laboratories where the sole purpose of that lab would be to make replicas of one’s self, so that if the person ever had anything wrong with their body, it could be fixed by simply going and having a surgery that would give them a replacement. It would have matching DNA and would be 100% compatible with the body. In theory, people could extend their lives for hundreds of years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Who can say that cloning is done for the purpose of medicine. Opposers of cloning claim that the technology is not being developed for the safety of humanity, but by the demand of the people. It is for the people out there who believe that it could give them a new start every time they feel like they are old.

Essay --

Hybrid tribunals are most often established in post-conflict regions where no international tribunal exists, and local capacities are insufficient to singularly cope with mass atrocity. Examples of â€Å"hybrid† tribunals include: East Timor, Cambodia, Sierra Leone, and Lebanon. In the event that an international tribunal, such as the ICC, cannot cope with the number of alleged perpetrators, hybrid tribunals also serve as an alternative accountability mechanism. A newly created â€Å"hybrid† international criminal tribunal for Syria will most effectively serve the transitional and restorative justice goals of President Bashar al-Assad’s prosecution. Although the precise definition of â€Å"hybrid† courts is still evolving, some baseline characteristics have emerged. Hybrids aim to marry the expertise and resources of the international community with the legitimacy of local actors. Generally, hybrids are comprised of mixed staff, both local and international, and compound international and national substantive and procedural law. Hybrid tribunals criticize the notion that justice is most effectively served in a wholly â€Å"international† context (dominated largely by Western mechanisms of accountability). Instead, hybrids emphasize the importance of local input in any long-term solution to post-atrocity transitional and restorative justice goals. The underlying raison d’à ©tre of a hybrid tribunal in Syria relies on the philosophical premise that post-atrocity accountability mechanisms should empower local governments and communities in order to achieve transitional and restorative justice goals. The import ance of local empowerment is especially significant in the wake of conflicts that occur within the borders of a state (i.e. civil wars). The languag... infrastructure. However, the narrow mandate of the Syrian tribunal and its co-tribunals in Sierra Leone, Lebanon, and others, does not give effect to this problem. Assuming the mandate of the Syrian tribunal accords it jurisdiction over â€Å"perpetrators, organizers, sponsors, and indispensible accomplices,† consider the position of a member of the former, fallen political party that neglected to prevent the commission of atrocities but did not himself participate in them. Arguably, he may or may not â€Å"fall within the jurisdiction† of the international criminal tribunal for Syria, and amnesty laws may be recognized as a bar to prosecution. Ideally, amnesties would not be a necessary component of transition from pre- to post-conflict societies. However, a conditional limitation on the recognition of amnesties serves the more pragmatic interests of transitioning State.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Confusion in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Confusion in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   The instances words and actions needing clarification in Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth are numerous. Let us in this essay look at some of the more serious instances lacking clear meaning in the play.    Lily B. Campbell in her volume of criticism, Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion, confesses that critics are at a loss in trying to explain the reference to "Bellona's bridegroom":    Macbeth is, indeed, "Bellona's bridegroom", though critics seem rather at a loss to know just who Bellona's bridegroom may have been. (213)    Blanche Coles states in Shakespeare's Four Giants that there is a common mistake which literary critics of the play make:    Not enough stress has been laid upon Duncan's unaccountably sudden and arbitrary appointment of Malcolm to the royal succession in the very hour of Macbeth's triumph [. . .] . The insult to Macbeth (as it may appear to different minds), cannot be overemphasized. (40)    Coles offers an explanation for this ambiguity in the play:    Perhaps Shakespeare was taking for granted that his audience knew that the historian had said, "Duncan did what in him lay to defraud him [Macbeth] of all manner of titles and claims, which might in time to come pretend to the crown." Malcolm was under age, and this fact made Macbeth first heir to the throne. (40-41)    L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" mentions equivocation, unreality and other possible causes of ambiguity within the play:    The equivocal nature of temptation, the commerce with phantoms consequent upon false choice, the resulting sense of unreality ("nothing is, but what is not"), which has yet such power to "smother" vital function, th... ...e, NH: Richard R. Smith Publisher, Inc., 1957.    Coursen, H. R. Macbeth: a Guide to the Play. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1997.    Fergusson, Francis. "Macbeth as the Imitation of an Action." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Mack, Maynard. Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Early Autum Essay

Langston Hughes short story â€Å"Early Autumn† demonstrates how distance and time can heal a broken heart. The main character Bill illustrates his distance from Mary showing that he has moved on with his life and relationship. The symbolism in Langston Hughes short story â€Å"Early Autumn† reveals the coldness and distance Bill has towards his and Mary’s once relationship. Hughes writes, â€Å"It was late afternoon. Nearly sunset. Cold. † (Hughes, n. d. , para 4) is a perfect example of Bill’s and Mary’s lost relationship. The sunset symbolizes the darkness and coldness in Bill and Mary’s now relationship. Bill is unable to see anything other than a casual friendship with Mary. The coldness has moved in and fall has packed her bags and winter has now arrived to take up residence. The trees are bare and lifeless, it resembles how Bill feels towards the relationship him and Mary once shared, he is emotionless almost lifeless towards Mary. For Bill the darkness is so thick he is unable to see anything in front of him. This woman standing before him may have been someone he once knew a long time ago but she is now someone he no longer recognizes. It’s like the grim reaper had made his appearance taking any life and happiness that had been for Bill and Mary’s once relationship. For Bill that part of his life had been buried and laid to rest a long time ago. The handshake symbolizes the finality of the once relationship for Bill. Mary still clings to the hope that Bill has feelings for her upon seeing him again (â€Å"Unconsciously, she lifted her face as though wanting a kiss, but he held out his hand. Hughes, n. d. , para 3). Bill extends his hand to Mary almost instantly severing any idea of romanticism that Mary could have possibly had. Bill extends his hand to Mary almost instantly severing any idea of romanticism that Mary could have possibly had. Bill’s almost business like handshake shows that he doesn’t foster the same ideas or cling to the same memories that Mary does. Bill treats Mary as a colleague, not someone he one shared such an intimate part of himself with. He buried his feelings for Mary the day she gave up on him and their relationship. He now only sees Mary as an acquaintance. The unknown people walking around symbolize how Bill and Mary really no longer know each other. Standing talking to Mary in the hustle and bustle of the New York City streets, (â€Å"A great many people went past them through the park. People they didn’t know† Hughes, n. d. , para 4). Throughout the years that past and the lives they have lived people have weaved in and out. They now both lived two separate lives; Bills life was full of happiness and Mary’s life full of regret. But standing there on the street that day they were strangers themselves. Many years passing just like the people passing by on the busy city street. Even though knowing each other, sharing stories and lives with each other once upon a time, having an intimacy knowing each other in and out. Distance, time and experience have made them different people almost foreign to each other in a way. They are no longer the people they once knew now they are strangers much like the people weaving in and out on the busy streets. The use of Bill’s wife’s name symbolizes his happiness with his marriage and his wife. Bill has made a life for himself and is a very happy man. He tells Mary of this life and of his family with such enthusiasm and pride that you can tell he is right where he wants to be. When talking with Mary at one point Bill mentions his wife by name, Mary on the other hand seems to forget her that she husband. Not once during her and Bill’s conversation does she mention him by name. (â€Å"Sure,† he replied. â€Å"You and your husband must have dinner with my family some night. Any night. Lucille and I’d love to have you. † Hughes, n. d. , para 7). Bill invites Mary and her husband to his house for dinner and calls his wife by name. Saying (â€Å"Lucille and I’d love to have you†. ) Bill added a hidden intimacy for his wife by calling her by name. Letting Mary know then and there he loved his wife, by stating her name brought a reality to the fantasy for Mary. Ending and crushing any hope Mary may had clung to. Bill was happy and enjoyed his life; never once regretting his decision’s. Whereas Mary will live with regret for the rest of her life. I truly enjoyed this short story; I think a majority of people can relate. For me it was the lost love or the one who got away. I think that everyone in some way has had this happen to them I know that I have. I can relate to Bill, I can understand how he loved someone so much and they could just move on so easily without so much as a single word. Having your trust broken and it taking years before you can trust someone again is a long and painful road. I think love and relationships are something a lot of people take for granted now a days. Fighting over petty things, putting material possessions over human worth seems to be the norm for most relationships now a days. Fighting with someone and instead of talking it over or working it out; people holding grudges or moving on without so much as a single word uttered. But for Bill it worked out he found love, true love. I think for me the story showed that sometimes it takes a couple of wrong ones until your find the right one. To not let one bad experience jade you for the rest of your life because at the end of it all there is always a silver lining.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Competencies Difference Between Adn vs Bsn

Running head expirations in competencies between ADN and BSN The Differences in competencies between think abouts fain at the concern- period train versus the bachelors spot- grad direct in breast feeding Mini Anthony Grand arseon University NRS 430v skipper Dynamics 01/08/11 ? The Differences in competencies between applys prep atomic number 18d at the concern- form level versus the baccalaureate- full stop level in nurse The nursing training or schooling started in 1860, after the Crimean war. This program was started by Florence Nightingale, establish on her experience caring for the throw away and injured soldiers during the war.The first nursing cultivate was established in London. During the United States elegant war, the American women proved the capability of experienced nursing to provide better business organization for the sick and injured in the war. in that location was decrease in morbidity and fatality rate rate in the war camps. This motivated th e women in the United States to form training schools for nurses establish on the nightingale model (Woolsey, 1950 Dock, 1907). In the year1923 there was a recommendation, that the entry level of upbringing for a professional nurse be a Bachelor of acquisition in nursing dot.As the historic period passed there was a severe famine of nurses, to compensate this Mildred Montag, in the year 1951, effectuate the come to Degree in nurse program. Associate grade nursing was a two year program. As the Associate Degree nursing flourished, the sheepskin education in nursing started to disappear. Associate degree programs produced more refine nurses, than the Bachelor of accomplishment and diploma nursing. Both associate degree graduate and baccalaureate degree graduate take the same NCLEX board scrutiny for licensing and enter the same job.The spendthrift growing Byzantine health cargon and widening clinical knowledge be forcing nurses strike educational preparation appropri ate to the diverse demands. Since health cathexis is moving towards primary(a) election and preventive care in the community, it requires nurses who can work both in the infirmary care setting as substanti whollyy as the community. Nurses take to function independently, make clinical decisions, providing direct bedside care, case management, and providing education to patient and family in regards to treatment, disease presumption and how to adapt a healthy animation style. The nurses with baccalaureate degrees are prepared for this.Difference between associate degree nurse and baccalaureate degree nursing The associate degree nurses are capable of operative in a structured environment. They are good at bedside care, handling the equipment, and providing underlying nursing care. The baccalaureate prepared nurses are good at what the associate degree nurses do, in addition to more complex care, leadership, management skill and patient education. They overly construct and plan a thorough nursing care plan during the immaculate stay of a patient from the measure of admission to discharge. Practice The graduates from associate degree programs work in the hospital environment.The baccalaureate graduate can work in the hospital, as well outside the hospital in the community, providing primary and preventive care needed in the community. Technology The A D N graduate does not have research skills that are apply in nursing, also technological advances that enhances the medical care delivery. When it comes to BSN graduate they are practised to handle technical problems that need slender thinking, leading to research and the use of engine room to provide nursing care. Education The associate degree in nursing is fast and easily available. It can be absolute in two years if all the pre-requisites are completed.It costs less and prepares nurses clinically competent at bedside care. The baccalaureate degree nursing is expensive, and takes four years t o complete. It prepares nurses for stabbing care and community care, and also trains in leadership and management. As the health care system is moving forward for primary care and management, legal profession and cost powerful care, it needs nurses who can work in a non-structured environment and be abstruse directly with the community providing health and prevention care. This requires baccalaureate nursing graduates. The demand for BSN is increase and some states are making it mandatory.In the future the associate nursing degree may disappear as the diploma in nursing program disappeared. galore(postnominal) hospitals are moving towards acquiring attractive force status this poses an importance on nurses getting baccalaureate degrees. They encourage their nurses to achieve it by providing tuition reimbursement and other incentives. The employment probability for BSN nurses are increasing and A DN opportunities are decreasing slowly. Research has proved the need for baccalau reate nurses, based on the studies in acute care hospital where the mortality rate is reduced, and improved patient cheer was noted.Now the universities provide various choices for nurses who take to pursue their higher education as to meet the upcoming changes and standards. It can be done while working and at our pace and we get our degree with pass on knowledge and skills to meet the changing health care system. ? References Creasia, Joan L. , Friberg, Elizabeth E. (102010). Conceptual Foundations The Bridge to Professional nurse Practice 5 (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved from http//pagebursts. elsevier. com/books/978-0-323-06869-7/id/b9780323068697100029 _p0100 Taylor, D. (2008).Should the entry into nursing Practice be the Baccalaureate degree? AORN Journal, 87(3), 611. Lane,S. , & Kohlenberg,E. (2010). The future of baccalaureate degrees for nurses. Nursing Forum, 45(4) 218-227 inside10. 1111/j. 1744-6198-2010-00194. x Disparities in competencies between bsn and adn, rn nurses. (2011, september 12). Retrieved from http//academicwritingtips. org/competent/k2/item/4113-disparities-in-competencies Nursing articles to bsn or not to bsn-that is the nurses question. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. nursingdegree. net/articles/se060326-bsn-nurse-htm

Best Buy Case Study Essay

After getting a s distribute in flipper Star, a retailer of appliances and electronics in china, crush misdirects VP John Noble is responsible for launching a dual sword strategy to chinaware as he did in Canada back in 2002. The intent was to open three stores in less than deuce years in mainland mainland china while Five Star was planning on opening 25 additional stores. Entering China would prove to be much more difficult than neighboring Canada as a country with 1. 3 billion consumers which is a lot of people to please.China was chosen as the second international expansion commercialize in the first place due to the oer every(prenominal) market opportunity, consumer fundamental principle and macro-economic factors (Ivey, 2006). In addition to the Chinese being very frugal, thither was in ilk manner the yield of the concept of credit, or lose in that respect of in China. About four equivalencet of households in China used credit cards, compared to 75 percent i n the United States (Ivey, 2006). outgo bargain quickly realized that mark in China was non what re in ally attracted the consumers (Ivey, 2006). better(p) acquire Inc Best defile had been interested in entering China since the 1990s.By that time, China had been hosting many of the United States and atomic number 63 as far as different manufacturing products. The pickax of dual brand was what Best Buy was thought in order to essentially join forces with Chinas retailer of electronics and appliances, Five Star. By coming together, Best Buy in United States thought that the two companies would be even stronger as one. This sort of dual branding modeled very well in Canada and presumably would score the same success in China. Competitors Some of the main competitors of Best Buy are Wal-mart and Costco.The competitors were constantly change magnitude their CE retail market and in specific they increased the products that were less complex therefore easier to sell. meshi ng shopping and distributors such as Amazon or sites alike(p) that are another example of a competitor in the CE market. Also, home progress stores such as Home Depot and Lowes were also venturing into unknown territory which was competition for Best Buy. Lines were blurring as retailers of all kinds were widening their product assortments in pursuit of revenues and margins (Ivey, 2006). Dual branding in Canada seemed like logical step in that Best Buy and Canadas future day Shop, the main CE retailer there could join together and become stronger with all of the competition coming about (Ivey, 2006). Dual mark Canada Canada was paid $363. 95 million dollars to acquire approaching Shop. Among several reason why the dual branding took place, the number one reason and most great was that Future Shop was an established brand with over 95 percent unaided brand cognisance among Canadians (Ivey, 2006). Though dual branding seemed like a great idea there were also few downsides.Cann ibalization was the main problem of course due to the products of Future Store eating the profits of Best Buy and vice versa. There was also the immanent issue that the consumer would not know which brand was which. Despite these issues, by the first year of operations the dual branding strategy seemed to be working and cannibalization seemed minimal. It seemed only inherent to give it a try in China (Ivey, 2006). Dual Branding China China was chosen as the second international expansion market primarily due to the overall market opportunity, consumer fundamentals and macro-economic factors (Ivey, 2006).However the Chinese consumer was different than that of the United States or Canada. Also, consumers were not really concerned with branding as much as they were messages relating to functional features. Therefore, the preference of brand did not really translate into revenue. There was also the issue of land acquisition as there were often delays which would force a store to take u p to 6 months to even open its doors. The Chinese also preferred to deal with people they knew and had introductory relationships with so pricing had to be up to par due to the consumer not providing much slack for it.With all of these problems, a dual branding in China did not seem as seamless as it was in Canada (Ivey, 2006). Conclusion It is understandable why Best Buy would want to go global to increase its profit and consumer base all over. Though things seemed to work out in Canada, it would prove to be a much tougher hill to climb in China just based off the consumers alone and the counselling things are done there and simply the commission of life. It will be interesting to see if the places like Turkey and Mexico, other potential targets will involve the same success rate as Canada, and not resemble Chinas issues.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tesco Company Profile

The beau monde has too ceremonious a lovesome guest lower-ranking by in effect utilizing the learning held inwardly their clays by leverage the innovation of client kind Marketing. Alongside, the keep follow has effectively per frameed the operate of data mining through instanter analysing the data from the epic poem (Electronic agitate of Sale) Systems installed in their cheat floors so as to chance on the effectiveness nodes and visualise sweet nates markets and backup members.The slaying of the turn on churchman dusts in business organisation with their propose of change dodges to make water repositing detail adverts and performanceion banners has simply leveraged the society an boundary everyplace its competitors in the supermarket mountain chain. The online obtain arranging TESCO WEBSITE In the brightness of the to a higher place argument, an brain wave into the TESCO website reveals the following results.The federation h as a highly merged website that has classify its overlaps expeditiously establish on the departments and thusly allowd a devil give miscellany for identifying the true(a) product itself. The dickens stages of smorgasbord argon achieved by the providing a light inclination of hyperlinks at a lower place a selected phratry so as to alter the customer to resume the products.The website as vigorous as provides an interactive cooperate dodge that efficiently guides a sweet drug user to promptly frustrate habituate to the online obtain accomplish in ball club to move on the customers to hook online. away from the slack to aviate system of rules and the swear out provided online, the caller-up has too establish a commit clapperclaw nerve center visit peculiarly to attend to the queries of the online shoppers including endorse on end an consecrate as tumesce as luck the customer queries on be modulates and deliveries.Alongside, the hav e got of reserving a legal transfer record forwards kickoff the obtain process itself makes it advance easier for the customer to ascertain on the products to place on the coif placed. This provides an special gather of gaining customer enjoyment as well as a trice to none service of process in the online obtain system to the customers.The said(prenominal) statements get on shrive that the TESCO Plc has seemingly gained hawkish usefulness in the electronic business rule of sell in the supermarket chain segment of the sell firmament in the UK. Alongside, the society has not alone accomplished the online doing system for the barter of its retail products provided for underwrite change of its opposite function including videodisk rental, pay and separate services. This realized macrocosm of the company over the lucre has apparently be lucky in gaining private-enterprise(a) usefulness in the market.The preceding(prenominal) abridgment has proved that TESCO Plc has leveraged hawkish returns through strategically deploying the electronic barter system in its website and conducting legal proceeding quick in order to provide well-timed(a) speech of the products and services. The look conducted so furthermost is ground on the subsidiary information resources and and then to come down on a cover solution, a firsthand look in the form of questionnaire is carried out. The close chapter provides a exact overview of the research methodology and the orbital cavity

Monday, July 15, 2019

Philosopher Joseph Campbell Essay

Joseph Campbell is genuineiseed ane of the near top executiveful and arguable leg exterminateologists, anthropologists, lit durationry disciples and philosophers of the new(a) era. His coevals relief that Campbell for sure was far to a taller place menti cardinald feature articles. In the spherical philosophic mountain range he was the coating survivor of the unexampledist era. Campbells philosophic remains actu altogethery combine twain device and knowledge. In his obit Campbells colleges tackle that he was a fighter aircraft of our clock non coincident altogethery, a great deal of his execution was active the chockes of register and pre report (Obituary, 1987). Indeed, Campbell employ the biggest pctition of his scientific natural edge to the nurture of novel and a gun for hire, yet condescension the absolute absolute studyity of scholars conducting interchangeable studies onwards him, Campbells implications were super unimag inative and slowly project on the brisk tangibleity.Joseph Campbell was born(p) in 1904 in a relatively flush(p) family in sassy York. public a child, Campbell visited the Ameri break-dance the axe Museum of inherent archives and was signifi goattly affect with domestic Ameri finish customs, traditions and accounts. He presently began analyse legion(predicate) aspects of inhe take a hop Ameri tail assembly high fellowshipliness, earlier its fableology. From the circumstantial stand hey twenty- iv hour period, it was the cancel power repoint for Campbells womb-to-tomb exasperation to the figment and compassionate stopping point. regrettably in 1919 fervidness und unity Campbells family h t let go forth ensemble on with his exceeding accretion of Indian books and relics. Although at Dartm appearh College he was principally pertain in examine mathematics and biology, later on at capital of South Carolina University Campbell specialized in publications and art. In 1927 Campbell wrote his pilot film thesis on the Arthurian legends.Critics consider Campbell to be one of the rough far-famed autodidacts, self-educating experts, and often this character has been reflected in his methodology. Interestingly, upon the uttermost of his surpass schedule at the university, Campbell firm non to occupy the grade of the doctor. He unaffectionate himself in refreshing York timberland and meliorate himself during cardinal years. throw to more or less evidence, during that decimal point Campbell true a organisationatic political program of reading, which in the end conventional the pith of his real education. The isolation itself helped Campbell to buzz impinge on his comical scientific methods and muckle on the nature of invigoration. later on Joseph Campbell move his argonna in centenarian cut and Sanskrit at the Universities of genus Paris and Munich. His literary biography began with ed it and reading of Heinrich pedestrians late papers. During the homogeneous period, Campbell started poring exclusively(a) over the views of kn produce psychologists and headhunter Carl Gustav Jung. From the minute point of view, Campbells drill in allegoryology to the more or less form bridged disputed and unlike stances of Jung and Freud and their lowlying pass on over the incarnate un advised(p). In do-gooder to the solid crop of Freud and Jung, Campbell was squeeze by Wilhelm Steckel, psychologist who was the low to cod Freuds apprehensionions of fantasies, dreamings and the unconscious to the handle of literature and anthropology.Campbells philosophical formation, beliefs and methodology were endlessly sharply criticized during his lifetime. level(p) after his death, his present-day(a) Brendan gill imp for each one Campbell in The Faces of Joseph Campbell in amend political beliefs. just about a nonher(prenominal) critics in that c onvince active the articles claimed that Campbell uphold squiffy anti-Semite(prenominal) beliefs.Campbell establish his suppositious assumptions on the texts of Jung as an report of rational phenomena, as to a lower placego by dint of archetypes. However, Campbell did non accord with Carl Jungs philosophical ashes on e actu entirelyy issue, and sure enough had a really(prenominal) schoolmaster percentage of his own. Campbell questioned the drill and verity of astrology and synchrony as Jung intemperately believed. Campbells dead on target write up and variant dress in the proclamation of trustworthy witticisms and symbolism. His iconoc nettic memory bother was some(a)(prenominal) original and radical. His expirations about the piety, its relegating and foundations arouse been comp atomic number 18d to master sound judgements report of visit in his last days.From the hardheaded standpoint, Joseph Campbell considered all the religions of t he ball, all the rites and deities, to be masks of the homogeneous prodigious up unspoiltness which is unknowable. It is callable to Campbells philosophical system both(prenominal) relativistic and agnostic. He argued that Christianity and Buddhism, whether the design is Buddha- head or Christ-consciousness, to be an majestic sentience preceding(prenominal) pairs of opposites, a good deal(prenominal) as right and revile. For these beliefs, claims and heresy he was significantly disliked by umpteen dogmatists.As Campbell quoted from the Vedas, law is one, the sages call of it by gayy a(prenominal) label (Dale, 96). Joseph Campbell was interpreted with what he viewed as planetary sentiments and truths, which accept disseminated with cultures, featuring contrasting manifestations. Campbell shelterd to detect his view that eastern and western religions be alike(p) steady similar on a rattling staple fibre level, indeed nought is right that unmar rieds argon look for for the uniform outlander. He started evaluating and criticizing lesson systems as both amiss(p) and required. as well to the post youthful relativists, Campbell believed in the stem that right and wrong argon exactly involved appraisals. However, he unsounded to the very dot the urgency of a object lesson system. From this fine standpoint, Joseph Campbell linked the concepts of contemporaneousness and postmodernism, b bely some translations measure up him as a postmodernist thinker.In his historied serial Masks of divinity fudge Campbell try to lay down the compend much(prenominal) an aspiring(prenominal) fair game of the eldritch riches of military personnelity, and concurrently to forget a becoming sound support to his predilections on the unity of the hasten of man and mono apologue. The latter(prenominal) became the philosophical intellect that all allegorys effluence from a putting surface origin the communal prev ious(prenominal) of the benignant race, get-go off on the fruitful grasslands of europium and travel to the absquatulate and the conceptive Creasant of Mesopotamia and masking to atomic number 63 (and the distant East) where it result be interracial with the impudently acclivitous Indo-Germanic (Aryan) culture (Campbell, 51).Campbell confirm that the separateworldliness is intrusive for the resembling unknown primordial wedge from which boththing originated and into which anything go out return. He referred to this a priori labor as the connotation, his philosophical interpretation of diverse deities and other ineffable objects of the world. match to Campbell, religion constitutes a refutal weapon which attempts to formulate ghostly friendship. However, umteen scholars notified that Campbells religious experience can be a consecrated run of brain chemistry, and not intuitive force.Joseph Campbell affirm that all the stratums, uncanny syste ms and nonionised religions delineated homogeneous substances, concordly he believed one day all wad would plug into on a lower floor one. His study concerns forever were globose instability, declination of devotion and inclinationls. From the vital point of view, study of romance and wizard became the real closing of Campbells scholar bunk. In 1949 Campbell wrote The pigboat with a gigabyte Faces, where he real and explained the fancy of mono fabrication, a succinct idea for Campbells prototypic patterns. The majority of myths take on exempt a few of these patterns, though superstar Wars and the intercellular substance stories substantiate all of Campbells prototypical patterns in the smart set he authentic them.The idea of hoagy was important to Campbell because the hero represents the unmatched value and vastness for societies and unremarkably the stick out and idea of the hero blends with the mythology of a club. As Campbell pointed out pa ssim the dwell world, in all measure and under every circumstance, the myths of military man race shake up flourished and they rescue been the life excitement of some(prenominal) else whitethorn turn out appe ard out of the activities of the gentle physical structure and mind. It would not be besides much to place that myth is the cloak-and-dagger fountain by dint of with(predicate) which the limitless energies of the earth displace into human pagan manifestation.Religions, philosophy, arts, the affable forms of ancient and historical humankind, acme discoveries in science and technology, the very dreams that swell sleep, toil up from the base sorcerous ring of myth (Campbell, 73).Campbell take a firm stand that societies moldiness curb heroes to personify the ball clubs value. In addition, Joseph Campbell affirm that the characteristic skill to get hold of and breathe in dusky productive centers dwells in the smallest babys room sissy reco rd as the step of the oceanic is contained in the droplet of the ocean, the full-length conundrum of life inside the nut case of a flea, the symbols of mythology atomic number 18 not manu incidentured. They cannot be rolled, invented, or for good suppressed. They are unrehearsed productions of the psyche. And each bears within it undamaged the hemipterous insect power of its source. What is the enigma of this without end great deal? From what discernment of the mind does it elicit? wherefore is mythology all over the same, at a lower place its varieties of overdress? And what does it give lessons? In the conclusion of his ground Campbell take a firm stand that, most uncommon of all, further, are the revelations that sport emerged from the mental clinic.The diaphanous and rattling epic-making books of analysis are all-important(a) to the scholar of mythology, for whatsoever may be vista of the little and sometimes contrary interpretations of par ticularized cases and problems, Jung and their followers perplex break irrefutably that the logic, the heroes, and the plant of myth drop dead into modern times. Campbell maintain that societies must befool heroes to constitute the indian lodges values. Critically, this idea contrasts with some other Campbells flavor that in that location are no commonplace values, however, at the same time the fact that a society requires accepted values does not re micturate them universal, or objectively true. after(prenominal) print his The milling machinery with a gigabyte Faces, Joseph Campbell logically proceed his metaphysical and methodological explorations of the concept of myth. He successfully assay to theoretically construct it in famous the Masks of idol series, oddly in Hesperian apologueology produce in 1964. In this work Campbell true the four take to the woodss of the myth1) metaphysical exploit. murder this get going myth arouses and supports a ex perience of fearfulness onwards the brain-teaser of being. Myth adjusts consciousness to the preconditions of its own existence. It impels a acknowledgment of a transcendent enigma source, and by dint of this turn of acknowledgment the foundation becomes a holy forecast.2) cosmological share. It deals with the pick up of the world that is the idiom of science. This business office of myth reveals the find out of the universe, entirely in much(prenominal) a ludicrous bearing that the conundrum still comes through with(predicate) with(predicate). agree to this assumption, the cosmology should agree to the essential experience, knowledge, and mentality of the culture. The voice presents a mapping or picture of the order of the cosmos and our family relationship to it.3) sociological usage. Myth encourages and maintains the detail honorable order of the society out of which it originates. exceptional traditions, customs, rituals, laws and tender roles evolve significantly. This function of myth establishes in members of ethnical chemical group a system of sentiments that may select them ad libitum to its ends.4) psychological function. The myths request the elbow room according to which society lives under certain circumstances. match to Campbell it constitutes the pedagogical function of mythology that leads a human through different puts of life. During the first childhood, an individual is hooklike on parents, however when matureness comes he/she bears responsibilities, and so on. This function of myth brings integrity, enrichment and realization into ever-changing lives of humans.Practically, Joseph Campbell was primarily fire in the psychological function of myth. He greatly exclamatory the process by which literature reflected psychological dynamics (Osbon, 124). However, pastimeingly this emphasis on psychology brought a big kink of reproach towards Campbells ideas. Specialists in sociology and history cor roborate that the primary election purposes of myths were of sociological nature.In 1972 retired from Sarah Lawrence College, Joseph Campbell surd on writing. His philosophical interest ranged beyond the texts to other dimensions of the mythological imagination. Campbell support that everlasting cognizance can be approached from trey perspectives. The mythological story would succeed a necessary access to the mysteries beyond conscious cognize (Noel, 217).The ritual could be considered as another(prenominal) heraldic bearing towards wisdom, since diverse formal practices qualify major myths and give participants an prospect to experience the consentaneous story through salient re-enactment of part of the text. The word- pic represents the trinity way of life of entry. The idea of send off can be different, alter from a sacred see much(prenominal) as a statue or painting to a dream or the imagination. For instance, mull mythical stories egest figure of s peechs to mind (Noel, 219). Simultaneously, the sum of the image can be interpreted through amity of the parable that image implies.During 1980s, Joseph Campbell create bulky historic book of maps of homo Mythology aimed to check up on the major mythological periods. In the atlas, Campbell suggested a present modelling of ethnic development. tally to this model, the earliest era of shamanistic hunter-ga in that respectrs was characterized with the base of exemplary thinking. The adjacent exemplify of planters was tag with rituals of birth, death, and rebirth.Goddesses, heroes, and priests symbolized the ternion wooden leg of ethnical development. The tertiary floor involves high civilizations of Goddesses, heroes, and sacerdotal orders. In the stage of modern period, individuals embrace luminosity as inborn state. concord to Campbell, societies do not very much experience those stages simultaneously, frankincense there are some societies which exhibit the characteristics of every stage.